Korean MPC Series 4 (1970)
These coupons were used by Korean military personnel in Vietnam during the Vietnam WarP-M26 Schwan-992 10 Cents, series 4
General Kwon Yul (권율); Korean Army emblem; denomination;Text:
구매권 = coupon;십센트 = 10 cents;
주월한국군 사령부 = Headquarters of Korean Army in Vietnam;
city development scene; denomination;Text:
10 센트 = 10 cents;발전하는 증산도시 = future city development

P-M29 Schwan-995 1 Dollar, series 4
General Gang Gam-chan (강감찬); Korean Army emblem; denomination;Text:
구매권 = coupon;일불 = 1 dollar;
주월한국군 사령부 = Headquarters of Korean Army in Vietnam;
Ulsan Refinery; denomination;Text:
1 불 = 1 dollar;울산정유 = Ulsan Refinery

P-M30 Schwan-996 5 Dollars, series 4
General Kim Yu-shin (김유신); Korean Army emblem; denomination;Text:
구매권 = coupon;오불 = 5 dollars;
주월한국군 사령부 = Headquarters of Korean Army in Vietnam;
Chungju fertilizer plant; denomination;Text:
5 불 = 5 dollars;충주비료 = Chungju fertilizer

P-M31 Schwan-997 10 Dollars, series 4
Admiral Yi Sun-sin (이순신); Korean Army emblem; denomination;Text:
구매권 = coupon;십불 = 10 dollars;
주월한국군 사령부 = Headquarters of Korean Army in Vietnam;
sea port; denomination;Text:
10 불 = 10 dollars;5만 ? 접안 항만시설 = ... port facilities