Vietnam Trung Bo 1000 Dong 1951 Tin Phieu
Ho Chi Minh; denomination;Text:
VIETNAM DANCHU CONGHOA = 越南民主共和 = Democratic Republic of Vietnam;CHỦ TỊCH HỒ CHÍ MINH = President Ho Chi Minh;
TÍN PHIẾU = Credit note; MỘT NGHÌN ĐỒNG = 壹仟元 = One thousand dong;
ĐAIDIEN CHINHPHU TRUNGUONG = Delegate of the Central Government
[signature: Phạm Văn Đồng];
ĐAIDIEN UBHC TRUNGBO = Delegate of the Trung Bo Administrative Committee
[signature: Nguyễn Duy Trinh];
soldiers and porters; denomination;Text:
MỘT NGHÌN ĐỒNG = 壹仟元 = One thousand dong;Watermark:
Star in circleP-58 D-CC18 1000 Dong 1951 Tin Phieu

P-58s D-SCC18 1000 Dong 1951 Tin Phieu SPECIMEN
overprint IN KIEU = Specimen