Vietnam Trung Bo 500 Dong 1951 Tin Phieu
Ho Chi Minh; farmer and worker; denomination;Text:
VIET-NAM DAN-CHU CONG-HOA = Democratic Republic of Vietnam;TIN PHIEU = Credit note; NAM TRAM ĐONG = 伍佰元 = Five hundred dong;
CHU-TICH HO CHI MINH = President Ho Chi Minh;
ĐAI-DIEN CHINH-PHU TRUNG-UONG = Delegate of the Central Government
[signature: Phạm Văn Đồng];
ĐAI-DIEN U.B.H.C. TRUNG-BO = Delegate of the Trung Bo Administrative Committee
[signature: Nguyễn Duy Trinh];
highlands man with a spear; woman; denomination;Text:
NĂM TRĂM ĐỒNG = Five hundred dong;Watermark:
Star in circleP-57 D-CC17b 500 Dong 1951 Tin Phieu