French Indochina 1 Piastre 1903-1921, Saigon
female allegory of France and oriental woman; denomination;Text:
BANQUE DE L'INDO-CHINE = Bank of Indochina;Décrets des 21 Janvier 1875, 20 Février 1888, 16 Mai 1900 & 3 Avril 1901 = Decrees of January 21, 1875, February 20, 1888, May 16, 1900 and April 3, 1901;
Emission autorisée le 3 Août 1891 = Emission authorised on August 3, 1891;
UNE PIASTRE = One piastre;
PAYABLES EN ESPÈCES AU PORTEUR = Payable to bearer in cash;
DANIEL DUPUIS ET GEORGES DUVAL FEC [designers: Jean-Baptiste Danie Dupuis and Georges Duval]; A LEVEILLE SC [engraver: Auguste Léveillé];
dragons; denomination;Text:
奉本國特諭 = By this country special decree;東方滙理銀行 = Bank of Indochina;
銀壹元正 = Silver one piastre exactly;
L'article 139 du Code pénal punit des travaux forcés à perpétuité ceux qui auront contrefait ou falsifié les Billets de Banques autorisées par la Loi, ainsi que ceux qui auront fait usage de ces Billets contrefaits ou falsifiés.
= Article 139 of Penal Code punishes with the life-term forced labour those who counterfeit or falsify the bills of the banks authorized by the Law, as well as those who use these counterfeit or forged notes.;
BANQUE DE L'INDO-CHINE = Bank of Indochina;
DANIEL DUPUIS ET GEORGES DUVAL FEC [designers: Jean-Baptiste Danie Dupuis and Georges Duval];
$14 types of Saigon overstamps

P-34a 1 Piastre 1903-1909 "Le Directeur"
overstamp type 1;Un Administrateur = Administrator
[signature: Baron Hély D'Oissel];
Le Directeur = Director
[signature: Stanislas Simon]

P-34b 1 Piastre 1909-1921, Overstamp type 2
overstamp type 2;Un Administrateur = Administrator
[signature: Baron Hély D'Oissel];
L'Admr-Directeur = Administrator-Director
[signature: Stanislas Simon]

P-34b 1 Piastre 1909-1921, Overstamp type 3
as above; overstamp type 3;

P-34b 1 Piastre 1909-1921, Overstamp type 4
as above; overstamp type 4;

P-34(x) 1 Piastre 1909-1921, Modern fake
I bought it some time ago for around $3 from the street seller in Saigon. Some eBay sellers want much more.