French Indochina Fractional issue 1920
BANQUE DE L'INDO-CHINE = Bank of Indochina;PAYABLES AU PORTEUR EN INDO-CHINE EN ESPÈCES = Payable to bearer in Indochina in cash;
Un Administrateur = Administrator
[signature: Baron Hély D'Oissel] (except P-44);
L'Administrateur Directeur = Director Administrator
[signature: Stanislas Simon] (except P-44);
G. FRAIPONT. [designer: Gustave Fraipont];
DÉCRET DU 3 AVRIL 1901 = Deccree of April 3, 1901;Émission autorisé le 6 Octobre 1919. = Emission authorised on October 6, 1919.;
L'article 139 du Code pénal punit des travaux forcés à perpétuité ceux qui auront contrefait ou falsifié les Billets de Banques autorisées par la Loi, ainsi que ceux qui auront fait usage de ces Billets contrefaits ou falsifiés.
= Article 139 of Penal Code punishes with the life-term forced labour those who counterfeit or falsify the bills of the banks authorized by the Law, as well as those who use these counterfeit or forged notes.;
G. FRAIPONT. [designer: Gustave Fraipont];
CHAIX. PARIS [printer] (except P-45a);
wreath with letters BIC and BFRP-43 10 Cents 1920

P-44 10 Cents 1920
Un Administrateur = Administrator
[signature: Albert de Monplanet];
Le Directeur = Director
[signature: René Thion de la Chaume];
overprint 壹角 = 10 cents;
giấy bạc một cắt(*) = Banknote 10 cents;
(*) - that was the first appearence of modern Vietnamese script on money

P-45a 20 Cents 1920
No printer's name on back

P-45b 20 Cents 1920

P-46 50 Cents 1920

P-47s 50 Cents 1920 SPECIMEN
overprint 伍角 = 50 cents;
giấy bạc năm cắt = Banknote 50 cents;
perforation SPECIMEN / IMPRIMERIE CHAIX = Specimen / Chaix printing house