Vietnam polymer 100,000 Dong
coat of arms of Vietnam Socialist Republuc; portrait of Ho Chi Minh; denomination;Text:
CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM = Socialist Republic of Vietnam;MỘT TRĂM NGHÌN ĐỒNG = One hundred thousand dong;
Temple of Literature in Hanoi; denomination;Text:
NGÂN HÀNG NHÀ NƯỚC VIỆT NAM = State Bank of Vietnam;MỘT TRĂM NGHÌN ĐỒNG = One hundred thousand dong;
Uncle Ho
On this series of banknotes, the year of the issue is indicated by the first two digits of the serial number.
P-122a 100,000 Dong 2004

P-122b 100,000 Dong 2005

P-122c 100,000 Dong 2006

P-122c 100,000 Dong 2006 error
partial print

100,000 Dong 2007 - not reported
P-122d 100,000 Dong 2008

100,000 Dong 2009 - not reported
P-122e 100,000 Dong 2010

P-122f 100,000 Dong 2011

P-122g 100,000 Dong 2012

P-122g 100,000 Dong 2012 error
missing back

P-122h 100,000 Dong 2013

100,000 Dong 2014 - not reported
P-122i 100,000 Dong 2015

P-122j 100,000 Dong 2016

P-122k 100,000 Dong 2017

P-122l 100,000 Dong 2018

P-122m 100,000 Dong 2019

P-122n 100,000 Dong 2020

P-122o 100,000 Dong 2021

P-122s 100,000 Dong (2004) SPECIMEN
overprint SPECIMEN;Back:
overprint TIỀN MẪU = Sample money;

Watermark: Uncle Ho