Vietnam 2000 Dong 1988
Ho Chi Minh; coat of arms of Vietnam Socialist Republuc; date; denomination;Text:
CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM = Socialist Republic of Vietnam;HAI NGHÌN ĐỒNG = Two thousand dong;
female workers at textile factory; denomination;Text:
NGÂN HÀNG NHÀ NƯỚC VIỆT NAM = State Bank of Vietnam;HAI NGHÌN ĐỒNG = Two thousand dong
Serial number types

sans-serif - large:
19 x 3.8 mmserif - wide:
18.5 x 3 mmserif - narrow:
17 x 3 mmP-107 2000 Dong 1988

P-107 2000 Dong 1988

P-107 2000 Dong 1988

P-107 2000 Dong 1988

P-100s 2000 Dong 1988 SPECIMEN
overprint TIỀN MẪU = Sample money;Back:
overprint SPECIMEN;

P-100s 2000 Dong 1988 SPECIMEN
overprint SPECIMEN;Back:
overprint TIỀN MẪU = Sample money;

P-100s 2000 Dong 1988 SPECIMEN
overprint TIỀN MẪU = Sample money;Back:
overprint SPECIMEN;

P-100s 2000 Dong 1988 SPECIMEN
overprint SPECIMEN;Back:
overprint TIỀN MẪU = Sample money;

Watermark: Flowers (old type)

Watermark: Flowers (new type)

P-107(*) 2000 Dong 1988 print trial